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241 misspelled results found for 'Bronze 19Th'

Click here to view these 'bronze 19th' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Pair Of Candle Holders In Gilded Bronze 19th Century

Pair Of Candle Holders In Gilded Bronze 19Th Century



Buy Pair Of Candle Holders In Gilded Bronze 19th Century

2h 0m
Horloge Barbedienne Buste Bronze / 19th France / Diane Poitiers Pendule Cartel

Horloge Barbedienne Buste Bronze / 19Th France / Diane Poitiers Pendule Cartel



Buy Horloge Barbedienne Buste Bronze / 19th France / Diane Poitiers Pendule Cartel

7h 20m
Candlestick or candle holder. Bronze. 19th century.

Candlestick Or Candle Holder. Bronze. 19Th Century.



Buy Candlestick or candle holder. Bronze. 19th century.

11h 21m
Antique French Religious Crucifix Mother Of Pearl Wood jesus Bronze  19th C

Antique French Religious Crucifix Mother Of Pearl Wood Jesus Bronze 19Th C



Buy Antique French Religious Crucifix Mother Of Pearl Wood jesus Bronze  19th C

15h 49m
Antique French Religious Crucifix Large Cross INRI Jesus Christ Bronze 19th C

Antique French Religious Crucifix Large Cross Inri Jesus Christ Bronze 19Th C



Buy Antique French Religious Crucifix Large Cross INRI Jesus Christ Bronze 19th C

16h 10m
antique religious medal SAN LUIS GONZAGA bronze 19th century medal religious

Antique Religious Medal San Luis Gonzaga Bronze 19Th Century Medal Religious



Buy antique religious medal SAN LUIS GONZAGA bronze 19th century medal religious

21h 24m
Bronze 19th Century Miniature Canon 13.5 cm Small Canon

Bronze 19Th Century Miniature Canon 13.5 Cm Small Canon



Buy Bronze 19th Century Miniature Canon 13.5 cm Small Canon

21h 32m
Small box set Charles X crystal Baccarat Creusot brass bronze 19th

Small Box Set Charles X Crystal Baccarat Creusot Brass Bronze 19Th



Buy Small box set Charles X crystal Baccarat Creusot brass bronze 19th

23h 56m
Return from Deer Hunting Sc CHERRIER Bronze 19th Vènerie Hirschjagd à courre

Return From Deer Hunting Sc Cherrier Bronze 19Th Vènerie Hirschjagd À Courre



Buy Return from Deer Hunting Sc CHERRIER Bronze 19th Vènerie Hirschjagd à courre

1d 10h 4m
Lot Of 2 Bobeche Bronze 19th Century Napoleon III Egypt 7 CM X Centre 2,5 CM

Lot Of 2 Bobeche Bronze 19Th Century Napoleon Iii Egypt 7 Cm X Centre 2,5 Cm



Buy Lot Of 2 Bobeche Bronze 19th Century Napoleon III Egypt 7 CM X Centre 2,5 CM

1d 12h 54m
Pair Of Candelabras In Alabaster And Gilded Bronze 19th Century Napoleon III

Pair Of Candelabras In Alabaster And Gilded Bronze 19Th Century Napoleon Iii



Buy Pair Of Candelabras In Alabaster And Gilded Bronze 19th Century Napoleon III

1d 18h 32m
Antique Large Porcelain Lamp Sevres Blue Painted Gilt Bronze 19th Century

Antique Large Porcelain Lamp Sevres Blue Painted Gilt Bronze 19Th Century



Buy Antique Large Porcelain Lamp Sevres Blue Painted Gilt Bronze 19th Century

2d 5h 45m
Small Bronze 19th Century Animal Statue Dog Old Chair Sculpture Antique

Small Bronze 19Th Century Animal Statue Dog Old Chair Sculpture Antique



Buy Small Bronze 19th Century Animal Statue Dog Old Chair Sculpture Antique

2d 6h 42m
Antique Large Door Knocker Decor Ring Angels Bacchus Bronze 19th Century

Antique Large Door Knocker Decor Ring Angels Bacchus Bronze 19Th Century



Buy Antique Large Door Knocker Decor Ring Angels Bacchus Bronze 19th Century

2d 7h 38m

Antique Blackamoor Candle Sticks Bronze 19Th Century Figurines


Free02d 9h 39m
Antique Crucifix Reliquary in inlaid wood and bronze. 19th century

Antique Crucifix Reliquary In Inlaid Wood And Bronze. 19Th Century



Buy Antique Crucifix Reliquary in inlaid wood and bronze. 19th century

2d 15h 6m
BRONZE 19th c figure oriental Chinese Chinois CIRCUS JUGGLER cones & balls 154mm

Bronze 19Th C Figure Oriental Chinese Chinois Circus Juggler Cones & Balls 154Mm



Buy BRONZE 19th c figure oriental Chinese Chinois CIRCUS JUGGLER cones & balls 154mm

2d 19h 55m
Antique Door Knocker Hand Decor of Harlequin in Bronze 19th Century

Antique Door Knocker Hand Decor Of Harlequin In Bronze 19Th Century



Buy Antique Door Knocker Hand Decor of Harlequin in Bronze 19th Century

3d 5h 53m
Thai Buddha Bronze 19th Century Amulet Phra Kring/chaiyawat Statue LuckyTalisman

Thai Buddha Bronze 19Th Century Amulet Phra Kring/Chaiyawat Statue Luckytalisman



Buy Thai Buddha Bronze 19th Century Amulet Phra Kring/chaiyawat Statue LuckyTalisman

3d 9h 18m
Antique PAIR French Empire Wall Light Sconce 2 Lights Torch Gilded Bronze 19TH

Antique Pair French Empire Wall Light Sconce 2 Lights Torch Gilded Bronze 19Th



Buy Antique PAIR French Empire Wall Light Sconce 2 Lights Torch Gilded Bronze 19TH

3d 10h 39m

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