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85 misspelled results found for 'Antique Faucet'

Click here to view these 'antique faucet' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Antique Facet Cut Victorian / Georgian Conical Bowl  Knopped Wine Glasses

Antique Facet Cut Victorian / Georgian Conical Bowl Knopped Wine Glasses



Buy Antique Facet Cut Victorian / Georgian Conical Bowl  Knopped Wine Glasses

1h 15m

Pair Of Antique Facet Cut Glass Candlesticks




3h 29m
Antique Facet Cut Jelly Glass c.1810

Antique Facet Cut Jelly Glass C.1810



Buy Antique Facet Cut Jelly Glass c.1810

19h 40m
Magnificent Antique Facet Cut Ale Glass c.1800

Magnificent Antique Facet Cut Ale Glass C.1800



Buy Magnificent Antique Facet Cut Ale Glass c.1800

23h 45m
Fabulous Vintage/Antique Facet Cut Glass Cameo Pot With Gold Bohemian Art Deco

Fabulous Vintage/Antique Facet Cut Glass Cameo Pot With Gold Bohemian Art Deco



Buy Fabulous Vintage/Antique Facet Cut Glass Cameo Pot With Gold Bohemian Art Deco

1d 20h 6m
Antique Facet Cut Wine Glass c. 1820

Antique Facet Cut Wine Glass C. 1820



Buy Antique Facet Cut Wine Glass c. 1820

1d 20h 33m
Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Bladed Knop and Polished Pontil scar

Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass With A Bladed Knop And Polished Pontil Scar



Buy Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Bladed Knop and Polished Pontil scar

1d 20h 52m
Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Bladed Knop and Polished Pontil scar

Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass With A Bladed Knop And Polished Pontil Scar



Buy Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Bladed Knop and Polished Pontil scar

2d 1h 54m
Antique Facet Cut thru to the stem Champ. Flute w. a Sn. Pontil scar & Domed Ft

Antique Facet Cut Thru To The Stem Champ. Flute W. A Sn. Pontil Scar & Domed Ft



Buy Antique Facet Cut thru to the stem Champ. Flute w. a Sn. Pontil scar & Domed Ft

2d 19h 1m
Antique Facet Cut Liqueur or Cordial Flute or Glass with Polished Pontil Scar

Antique Facet Cut Liqueur Or Cordial Flute Or Glass With Polished Pontil Scar



Buy Antique Facet Cut Liqueur or Cordial Flute or Glass with Polished Pontil Scar

2d 22h 35m
Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Polished Pontil Scar

Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass With A Polished Pontil Scar



Buy Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Polished Pontil Scar

3d 0h 54m
Antique Facet Cut Wine Glass with Hollow Blown Stem & Polished Pontil - 125ml

Antique Facet Cut Wine Glass With Hollow Blown Stem & Polished Pontil - 125Ml



Buy Antique Facet Cut Wine Glass with Hollow Blown Stem & Polished Pontil - 125ml

3d 19h 14m
PAIR of Antique Facet Cut Cordials with Double Baluster Knops & Polished Pontils

Pair Of Antique Facet Cut Cordials With Double Baluster Knops & Polished Pontils



Buy PAIR of Antique Facet Cut Cordials with Double Baluster Knops & Polished Pontils

4d 18h 2m
Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a faceted Dropped Knop & Polished Pontil

Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass With A Faceted Dropped Knop & Polished Pontil



Buy Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a faceted Dropped Knop & Polished Pontil

4d 18h 29m
Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Baluster Knop & Polished Pontil - 75ml

Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass With A Baluster Knop & Polished Pontil - 75Ml



Buy Antique Facet Cut Cordial Glass with a Baluster Knop & Polished Pontil - 75ml

5d 2h 23m
PAIR Antique Facet Cut Small Wine / Cordial Glasses with Polished Pontils - 75ml

Pair Antique Facet Cut Small Wine / Cordial Glasses With Polished Pontils - 75Ml



Buy PAIR Antique Facet Cut Small Wine / Cordial Glasses with Polished Pontils - 75ml

5d 2h 31m
Antique Facet Cut - Sherry / Liqueur Stem Glasses x 4 - Handblown Glass

Antique Facet Cut - Sherry / Liqueur Stem Glasses X 4 - Handblown Glass


£4.5005d 3h 48m
Bundle of 5 x Antique Facet Cut Glass wear - Champaign / Jelly / Custard /Sherry

Bundle Of 5 X Antique Facet Cut Glass Wear - Champaign / Jelly / Custard /Sherry


£4.5005d 4h 3m
Antique Facet Stem Wine Glass With Engraved Bowl Flowers & Bird #3

Antique Facet Stem Wine Glass With Engraved Bowl Flowers & Bird #3



Buy Antique Facet Stem Wine Glass With Engraved Bowl Flowers & Bird #3

5d 17h 14m
Antique Facet Stem Wine Glass With Engraved Bowl Flowers & Bird #2

Antique Facet Stem Wine Glass With Engraved Bowl Flowers & Bird #2



Buy Antique Facet Stem Wine Glass With Engraved Bowl Flowers & Bird #2

5d 17h 14m

Popular Results for antique faucet