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321 misspelled results found for 'Sphalerite'

Click here to view these 'sphalerite' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE (21) peru'

- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - Sfalerite (21) Peru'



Buy - Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE (21) peru'

12d 9h 4m
- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE cristalli (23) peru'

- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - Sfalerite Cristalli (23) Peru'



Buy - Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE cristalli (23) peru'

12d 9h 14m
Bournonit, Siderit, Sphalerit, Quarz, Grube Georg Horhausen,Altenkirchen

Bournonit, Siderit, Sphalerit, Quarz, Grube Georg Horhausen,Altenkirchen



Buy Bournonit, Siderit, Sphalerit, Quarz, Grube Georg Horhausen,Altenkirchen

12d 9h 48m
Sphalerit - Calcit - Pyrit xx Kosovo - Sphalerite - Calcite - Pyrite  xx Kosovo

Sphalerit - Calcit - Pyrit Xx Kosovo - Sphalerite - Calcite - Pyrite Xx Kosovo



Buy Sphalerit - Calcit - Pyrit xx Kosovo - Sphalerite - Calcite - Pyrite  xx Kosovo

12d 9h 50m
Pyrit - Sphalerit - Calcit - Quarz xx Kosovo - Pyrite - Sphalerite  xx Kosovo

Pyrit - Sphalerit - Calcit - Quarz Xx Kosovo - Pyrite - Sphalerite Xx Kosovo



Buy Pyrit - Sphalerit - Calcit - Quarz xx Kosovo - Pyrite - Sphalerite  xx Kosovo

12d 10h 39m
Magnetit, Sphalerit,Granat, Var. Grossular, St. Richard, Rittersgrün

Magnetit, Sphalerit,Granat, Var. Grossular, St. Richard, Rittersgrün



Buy Magnetit, Sphalerit,Granat, Var. Grossular, St. Richard, Rittersgrün

12d 14h 37m
Rar flache SPHALERIT xx - Tongrube Hoheneggelsen, Hildesheim, Niedersachsen - 1A

Rar Flache Sphalerit Xx - Tongrube Hoheneggelsen, Hildesheim, Niedersachsen - 1A



Buy Rar flache SPHALERIT xx - Tongrube Hoheneggelsen, Hildesheim, Niedersachsen - 1A

12d 17h 36m
Pyrit , Sphalerit , Tetraedrit xx Rumänien xx Pyrite , Sphalerite  xx  Romania

Pyrit , Sphalerit , Tetraedrit Xx Rumänien Xx Pyrite , Sphalerite Xx Romania



Buy Pyrit , Sphalerit , Tetraedrit xx Rumänien xx Pyrite , Sphalerite  xx  Romania

13d 9h 46m
?? Top Sphalerit Zinkblende auf Baryt - Elmwood Mine, Tennessee, USA??

?? Top Sphalerit Zinkblende Auf Baryt - Elmwood Mine, Tennessee, Usa??



Buy ?? Top Sphalerit Zinkblende auf Baryt - Elmwood Mine, Tennessee, USA??

13d 10h 39m
Sphalerit,Calcit,Fluorit aus Elmwoodmine, Tennessee, USA; Größe: 7,5×5,5×4,5 cm

Sphalerit,Calcit,Fluorit Aus Elmwoodmine, Tennessee, Usa; Größe: 7,5×5,5×4,5 Cm



Buy Sphalerit,Calcit,Fluorit aus Elmwoodmine, Tennessee, USA; Größe: 7,5×5,5×4,5 cm

13d 15h 54m
- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE cristallo (10) spagna

- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - Sfalerite Cristallo (10) Spagna



Buy - Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE cristallo (10) spagna

13d 16h 21m
- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE cristallo (12) spagna

- Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - Sfalerite Cristallo (12) Spagna



Buy - Minerali Grezzi Cristalloterapia - SFALERITE cristallo (12) spagna

13d 16h 25m
Healing Stones Rocks Lot Malachite Sphalarite pyramids 4.2 LBS

Healing Stones Rocks Lot Malachite Sphalarite Pyramids 4.2 Lbs



Buy Healing Stones Rocks Lot Malachite Sphalarite pyramids 4.2 LBS

13d 20h 32m
Arsenic minerals Orphamint and Realgar in Galena, silver,sphlerite

Arsenic Minerals Orphamint And Realgar In Galena, Silver,Sphlerite



Buy Arsenic minerals Orphamint and Realgar in Galena, silver,sphlerite

13d 22h 1m
Sphalerit, Quarz, Madan, Rhodopen, Bulgarien

Sphalerit, Quarz, Madan, Rhodopen, Bulgarien



Buy Sphalerit, Quarz, Madan, Rhodopen, Bulgarien

14d 6h 35m
Sphalerit, Quarz : St.Ferdinand, Biberach, Kinzigtal, Schwarzwald

Sphalerit, Quarz : St.Ferdinand, Biberach, Kinzigtal, Schwarzwald



Buy Sphalerit, Quarz : St.Ferdinand, Biberach, Kinzigtal, Schwarzwald

14d 6h 40m
Quarz, Pyrit, Bornit, Sphalerit, Trepca, Kosovo

Quarz, Pyrit, Bornit, Sphalerit, Trepca, Kosovo



Buy Quarz, Pyrit, Bornit, Sphalerit, Trepca, Kosovo

14d 7h 4m
Znkblende Sphalerit, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England

Znkblende Sphalerit, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England



Buy Znkblende Sphalerit, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England

14d 8h 26m
??Rhodochrosit, Pyrit, Sphalerit, Stilbit, Davidkovo, Smolyan, Bulgarien??

??Rhodochrosit, Pyrit, Sphalerit, Stilbit, Davidkovo, Smolyan, Bulgarien??



Buy ??Rhodochrosit, Pyrit, Sphalerit, Stilbit, Davidkovo, Smolyan, Bulgarien??

14d 13h 0m
Extrem seltene AAA+++ Lila Sphalerit-Kristallkugel aus China- 309,19g

Extrem Seltene Aaa+++ Lila Sphalerit-Kristallkugel Aus China- 309,19G



Buy Extrem seltene AAA+++ Lila Sphalerit-Kristallkugel aus China- 309,19g

14d 18h 37m

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