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364 misspelled results found for 'Apophyllite'

Click here to view these 'apophyllite' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (2)

Beautiful Apophylite Cluster From Madagascar (2)



Buy Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (2)

6d 5h 43m
Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (6)

Beautiful Apophylite Cluster From Madagascar (6)



Buy Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (6)

6d 5h 53m
Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (3)

Beautiful Apophylite Cluster From Madagascar (3)



Buy Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (3)

6d 5h 56m
Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Stufe mit grünen Apophyllit 797g

Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Stufe Mit Grünen Apophyllit 797G



Buy Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Stufe mit grünen Apophyllit 797g

6d 9h 51m
Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Igel Stufe mit grünen Apophyllit 1,4 KG

Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Igel Stufe Mit Grünen Apophyllit 1,4 Kg



Buy Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Igel Stufe mit grünen Apophyllit 1,4 KG

6d 10h 1m
Apophyllit,  Sehr Seltener  Stalaktiten Quarz / 1,025 Kg

Apophyllit, Sehr Seltener Stalaktiten Quarz / 1,025 Kg



Buy Apophyllit,  Sehr Seltener  Stalaktiten Quarz / 1,025 Kg

7d 0h 41m
Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit  Stufe mit grünen Apophyllit 541g

Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit Stufe Mit Grünen Apophyllit 541G



Buy Apophyllit, Seltene Scolecite / Skolezit  Stufe mit grünen Apophyllit 541g

7d 3h 8m
Apophyllit, Apophyllit Stufe /Indien 887g

Apophyllit, Apophyllit Stufe /Indien 887G



Buy Apophyllit, Apophyllit Stufe /Indien 887g

7d 3h 17m
green apophylite specimen ap2

Green Apophylite Specimen Ap2



Buy green apophylite specimen ap2

7d 4h 57m
??TOP Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe, klare grosse Kristalle ,Indien??

??Top Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe, Klare Grosse Kristalle ,Indien??



Buy ??TOP Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe, klare grosse Kristalle ,Indien??

7d 6h 17m
??Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe Indien??

??Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe Indien??



Buy ??Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe Indien??

7d 6h 18m
Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe mit Grünen Apophyllit/Indien 1,188 Kg

Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe Mit Grünen Apophyllit/Indien 1,188 Kg



Buy Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe mit Grünen Apophyllit/Indien 1,188 Kg

7d 6h 32m
Cristaux d'Apophyllite d'Inde 882g mineraux de collection Apophylite

Cristaux D'apophyllite D'inde 882G Mineraux De Collection Apophylite



Buy Cristaux d'Apophyllite d'Inde 882g mineraux de collection Apophylite

7d 7h 14m
Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 3.8" - 225 Grams

Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 3.8" - 225 Grams



Buy Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 3.8" - 225 Grams

7d 8h 42m
Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 2.5" - 84.0 Grams

Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 2.5" - 84.0 Grams



Buy Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 2.5" - 84.0 Grams

7d 8h 42m
Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 3.7" - 98 Grams

Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 3.7" - 98 Grams



Buy Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 3.7" - 98 Grams

7d 8h 42m
Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 4.2" - 169 Grams

Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 4.2" - 169 Grams



Buy Apophylite & Stilbite Cluster From India - 4.2" - 169 Grams

7d 8h 42m
Apophylite With Stilbite Natural Raw Crystal Cluster

Apophylite With Stilbite Natural Raw Crystal Cluster



Buy Apophylite With Stilbite Natural Raw Crystal Cluster

7d 10h 22m
Green Apophylite, Scolecite, Stilbite on Chalcedony Crystal Specimen 1lb, 12.7oz

Green Apophylite, Scolecite, Stilbite On Chalcedony Crystal Specimen 1Lb, 12.7Oz



Buy Green Apophylite, Scolecite, Stilbite on Chalcedony Crystal Specimen 1lb, 12.7oz

7d 11h 29m
??Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe Indien??

??Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe Indien??



Buy ??Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe Indien??

7d 11h 44m

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