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364 misspelled results found for 'Apophyllite'

Click here to view these 'apophyllite' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Apophyllit,Große  Apophyllit Würfel Stufe/Indien 532g

Apophyllit,Große Apophyllit Würfel Stufe/Indien 532G



Buy Apophyllit,Große  Apophyllit Würfel Stufe/Indien 532g

19d 7h 10m
Apophyllit, Seltene Okenit Druse aus Jalgaon Indien/  1,521 Kg

Apophyllit, Seltene Okenit Druse Aus Jalgaon Indien/ 1,521 Kg



Buy Apophyllit, Seltene Okenit Druse aus Jalgaon Indien/  1,521 Kg

19d 8h 2m
Apophyllit, Sehr  seltene Blau Weise Chalcedon Stalaktititen Stufe 512g

Apophyllit, Sehr Seltene Blau Weise Chalcedon Stalaktititen Stufe 512G



Buy Apophyllit, Sehr  seltene Blau Weise Chalcedon Stalaktititen Stufe 512g

19d 8h 25m
Gem Clear Apophylite Apophyllite Crystal From India - 1.3" - 15.27 Grams

Gem Clear Apophylite Apophyllite Crystal From India - 1.3" - 15.27 Grams



Buy Gem Clear Apophylite Apophyllite Crystal From India - 1.3" - 15.27 Grams

19d 18h 32m
Gem Clear Apophylite Apophyllite Crystal From India - 1.3" - 22.77 Grams

Gem Clear Apophylite Apophyllite Crystal From India - 1.3" - 22.77 Grams



Buy Gem Clear Apophylite Apophyllite Crystal From India - 1.3" - 22.77 Grams

19d 18h 32m
Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe mit Okenit/Indien 1,6 KG

Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe Mit Okenit/Indien 1,6 Kg



Buy Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe mit Okenit/Indien 1,6 KG

20d 2h 50m

2 Apophylite Pyramids 82Grams Combined




20d 3h 27m
Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (1)

Beautiful Apophylite Cluster From Madagascar (1)



Buy Beautiful Apophylite Cluster from Madagascar (1)

20d 3h 38m
gros bloc Apophylite stilbite 8kgs

Gros Bloc Apophylite Stilbite 8Kgs



Buy gros bloc Apophylite stilbite 8kgs

20d 5h 8m
Apophyllit, Apophyllit Stufe /Indien 793g

Apophyllit, Apophyllit Stufe /Indien 793G



Buy Apophyllit, Apophyllit Stufe /Indien 793g

20d 7h 34m
Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe /Indien 776g

Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe /Indien 776G



Buy Apophyllit, Stilbit Stufe /Indien 776g

20d 7h 46m
Apophyllit, Natrolith, Phonolith, Marianska Skala, Usti nad Labem, Tschechien

Apophyllit, Natrolith, Phonolith, Marianska Skala, Usti Nad Labem, Tschechien



Buy Apophyllit, Natrolith, Phonolith, Marianska Skala, Usti nad Labem, Tschechien

20d 8h 40m
??TOP Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe, klare grosse Kristalle ,Indien??

??Top Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe, Klare Grosse Kristalle ,Indien??



Buy ??TOP Apophyllit Stilbit Stufe, klare grosse Kristalle ,Indien??

20d 11h 2m
Zeolite-Apohpyllite/Stilbite/Black Chalcedony Mineral Specimen 3.25"x1.5"x.75"

Zeolite-Apohpyllite/Stilbite/Black Chalcedony Mineral Specimen 3.25"X1.5"X.75"



Buy Zeolite-Apohpyllite/Stilbite/Black Chalcedony Mineral Specimen 3.25"x1.5"x.75"

20d 11h 5m
Trommelstein Apophyllit weiß 1 Stück

Trommelstein Apophyllit Weiß 1 Stück



Buy Trommelstein Apophyllit weiß 1 Stück

20d 12h 34m
Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon Quarries, Indien

Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon Quarries, Indien



Buy Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon Quarries, Indien

20d 13h 2m
Stilbit, Apophyllit, Aurangabad, Indien

Stilbit, Apophyllit, Aurangabad, Indien



Buy Stilbit, Apophyllit, Aurangabad, Indien

20d 13h 26m
Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon Quarries, Indien

Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon Quarries, Indien



Buy Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon Quarries, Indien

20d 13h 32m
Apophylite from Lonavala Quarry, Pune District, Maharashtra, India

Apophylite From Lonavala Quarry, Pune District, Maharashtra, India



Buy Apophylite from Lonavala Quarry, Pune District, Maharashtra, India

20d 14h 8m
Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon, Indien

Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon, Indien



Buy Apophyllit, Quarz, Jalgaon, Indien

20d 14h 55m

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