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152 misspelled results found for '6Sj7gt'

Click here to view these '6sj7gt' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
VT116A JAN -CHS 6SJ7GT Sylvania gun metal plate/huge top sq get Tube, TV-7D 81%

Vt116a Jan -Chs 6Sj7gt Sylvania Gun Metal Plate/Huge Top Sq Get Tube, Tv-7D 81%



Buy VT116A JAN -CHS 6SJ7GT Sylvania gun metal plate/huge top sq get Tube, TV-7D 81%

24d 20h 24m
1 X 12SJ7GT / CV698 TUBE. NOS/NIB. RC84

1 X 12Sj7gt / Cv698 Tube. Nos/Nib. Rc84



Buy 1 X 12SJ7GT / CV698 TUBE. NOS/NIB. RC84

24d 21h 9m
Two, NEW, Raytheon 6J7G, tall shoulder, matching pair, 6J7, 6J7GT, 348A eq

Two, New, Raytheon 6J7g, Tall Shoulder, Matching Pair, 6J7, 6J7gt, 348A Eq



Buy Two, NEW, Raytheon 6J7G, tall shoulder, matching pair, 6J7, 6J7GT, 348A eq

25d 0h 31m
2, NEW, National Union 6J7G, tall, small punch, match pair, 6J7, 6J7GT, 348A eq

2, New, National Union 6J7g, Tall, Small Punch, Match Pair, 6J7, 6J7gt, 348A Eq



Buy 2, NEW, National Union 6J7G, tall, small punch, match pair, 6J7, 6J7GT, 348A eq

25d 0h 39m
Vintage Sylvania 12SJ7 GT Vacuum Tube

Vintage Sylvania 12Sj7 Gt Vacuum Tube



Buy Vintage Sylvania 12SJ7 GT Vacuum Tube

25d 13h 43m

Oem Sylvania Vintage Electronic Tube 12Sj7gt




25d 15h 40m
6sj7gt tube metal RCA tested good AVO mark 4

6Sj7gt Tube Metal Rca Tested Good Avo Mark 4



Buy 6sj7gt tube metal RCA tested good AVO mark 4

25d 15h 50m
6J7GT  Triangle NIB/NOS  Tested GOOD on HIckok 539B

6J7gt Triangle Nib/Nos Tested Good On Hickok 539B



Buy 6J7GT  Triangle NIB/NOS  Tested GOOD on HIckok 539B

25d 16h 57m
6SJ7GT Hytron Audio Receiver Guitar Preamp Vacuum Tubes Tested Pair

6Sj7gt Hytron Audio Receiver Guitar Preamp Vacuum Tubes Tested Pair



Buy 6SJ7GT Hytron Audio Receiver Guitar Preamp Vacuum Tubes Tested Pair

25d 20h 2m
1 X 12SJ7GT / VT162 TUBE. USED. RC138

1 X 12Sj7gt / Vt162 Tube. Used. Rc138



Buy 1 X 12SJ7GT / VT162 TUBE. USED. RC138

25d 20h 49m
NOS Matsu/Mullard Vintage 6SJ7GT MetalBase TripleMica PreampAudioTube MK3 +

Nos Matsu/Mullard Vintage 6Sj7gt Metalbase Triplemica Preampaudiotube Mk3 +



Buy NOS Matsu/Mullard Vintage 6SJ7GT MetalBase TripleMica PreampAudioTube MK3 +

25d 22h 15m
Vintage Audio Valves  6SJ7GT x 69 Brimar / NEC  / Radiotron / Mullard / Philips

Vintage Audio Valves 6Sj7gt X 69 Brimar / Nec / Radiotron / Mullard / Philips



Buy Vintage Audio Valves  6SJ7GT x 69 Brimar / NEC  / Radiotron / Mullard / Philips

26d 3h 24m
6SJ7GT K-R Platinum Matched Pair NOS SQUARE GETTER

6Sj7gt K-R Platinum Matched Pair Nos Square Getter



Buy 6SJ7GT K-R Platinum Matched Pair NOS SQUARE GETTER

26d 14h 19m
Ken-Rad 6J7GT/Z63 Universal RF Pentode Detector Audio Output Audio Vacuum Tube V

Ken-Rad 6J7gt/Z63 Universal Rf Pentode Detector Audio Output Audio Vacuum Tube V



Buy Ken-Rad 6J7GT/Z63 Universal RF Pentode Detector Audio Output Audio Vacuum Tube V

26d 17h 35m
3- Vintage Tung-Sol 6J7/GT Audio Vacuum Tubes ~ NOS ? ~ Boxes Dirty

3- Vintage Tung-Sol 6J7/Gt Audio Vacuum Tubes ~ Nos ? ~ Boxes Dirty



Buy 3- Vintage Tung-Sol 6J7/GT Audio Vacuum Tubes ~ NOS ? ~ Boxes Dirty

26d 18h 14m
1 X TESTED Russian 6J8 / 6SJ7 (GT) / 5693 HF pentode tube 1 PCS. 1967.

1 X Tested Russian 6J8 / 6Sj7 (Gt) / 5693 Hf Pentode Tube 1 Pcs. 1967.



Buy 1 X TESTED Russian 6J8 / 6SJ7 (GT) / 5693 HF pentode tube 1 PCS. 1967.

27d 5h 40m
Philco 12SJ7GT/VT-162/CV697Triple Grid Detector Amplifier Pentode Audio Vacuum T

Philco 12Sj7gt/Vt-162/Cv697triple Grid Detector Amplifier Pentode Audio Vacuum T



Buy Philco 12SJ7GT/VT-162/CV697Triple Grid Detector Amplifier Pentode Audio Vacuum T

27d 12h 52m
Sylvania 12SJ7GT/VT-162/CV697 Triple Grid Detector Amplifier Pentode Audio Vacuu

Sylvania 12Sj7gt/Vt-162/Cv697 Triple Grid Detector Amplifier Pentode Audio Vacuu



Buy Sylvania 12SJ7GT/VT-162/CV697 Triple Grid Detector Amplifier Pentode Audio Vacuu

27d 12h 55m
6J8 /6SJ7 /6?8 / 6SJ7GT / 5693 HF PENTODE TUBE NOS 1980's USSR Lot of 100Pcs

6J8 /6Sj7 /6?8 / 6Sj7gt / 5693 Hf Pentode Tube Nos 1980'S Ussr Lot Of 100Pcs



Buy 6J8 /6SJ7 /6?8 / 6SJ7GT / 5693 HF PENTODE TUBE NOS 1980's USSR Lot of 100Pcs

28d 8h 31m
6J8 /6SJ7 /6?8 / 6SJ7GT / 5693 HF PENTODE TUBE NOS/NIB 1980's USSR Lot of 50Pcs+

6J8 /6Sj7 /6?8 / 6Sj7gt / 5693 Hf Pentode Tube Nos/Nib 1980'S Ussr Lot Of 50Pcs+



Buy 6J8 /6SJ7 /6?8 / 6SJ7GT / 5693 HF PENTODE TUBE NOS/NIB 1980's USSR Lot of 50Pcs+

28d 8h 31m

Popular Results for 6sj7gt