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1307 misspelled results found for '6V6gta'

Click here to view these '6v6gta' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
1950s Philco 6V6GT Tube Smoke Glass Chrome Dome Tested Very Strong At 100%

1950S Philco 6V6gt Tube Smoke Glass Chrome Dome Tested Very Strong At 100%



Buy 1950s Philco 6V6GT Tube Smoke Glass Chrome Dome Tested Very Strong At 100%

9d 15h 52m
Vintage Philco 6V6 GT Stereo Tube Smoked #0098 877 63

Vintage Philco 6V6 Gt Stereo Tube Smoked #0098 877 63



Buy Vintage Philco 6V6 GT Stereo Tube Smoked #0098 877 63

9d 16h 1m
Vintage RCA 6V6 GT  Radio Tube Results =3800 31mA

Vintage Rca 6V6 Gt Radio Tube Results =3800 31Ma



Buy Vintage RCA 6V6 GT  Radio Tube Results =3800 31mA

9d 16h 16m
Tung-Sol 6V6GTA  Tubes  Black Plates......... Single D Halo..........NOS Pair

Tung-Sol 6V6gta Tubes Black Plates......... Single D Halo..........Nos Pair



Buy Tung-Sol 6V6GTA  Tubes  Black Plates......... Single D Halo..........NOS Pair

9d 17h 23m
Tung-Sol 6V6GT  Tube  Black Plate......Black Glass.........NOS

Tung-Sol 6V6gt Tube Black Plate......Black Glass.........Nos



Buy Tung-Sol 6V6GT  Tube  Black Plate......Black Glass.........NOS

9d 17h 28m

General Electric 6V6gt Electron Tube "Shown Tested"




9d 17h 39m
2 Admiral RCA 6V6 GT Vacuum Tubes Very Strong

2 Admiral Rca 6V6 Gt Vacuum Tubes Very Strong



Buy 2 Admiral RCA 6V6 GT Vacuum Tubes Very Strong

9d 18h 22m
Vintage PRO Comm 6V6 GT Korea Stereo Tube #1098 728 28 7883 783

Vintage Pro Comm 6V6 Gt Korea Stereo Tube #1098 728 28 7883 783



Buy Vintage PRO Comm 6V6 GT Korea Stereo Tube #1098 728 28 7883 783

9d 18h 43m
Raytheon 6V6GT Vintage Tube Tested Strong #41

Raytheon 6V6gt Vintage Tube Tested Strong #41



Buy Raytheon 6V6GT Vintage Tube Tested Strong #41

9d 21h 55m
Matched pair FoMoCo Ford 6V6GT Lincoln Mercury radio amplifier tubes tested Gr8

Matched Pair Fomoco Ford 6V6gt Lincoln Mercury Radio Amplifier Tubes Tested Gr8



Buy Matched pair FoMoCo Ford 6V6GT Lincoln Mercury radio amplifier tubes tested Gr8

9d 21h 59m
Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6GT Plate Current Matched Pair (2) Vacuum Tubes

Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6gt Plate Current Matched Pair (2) Vacuum Tubes



Buy Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6GT Plate Current Matched Pair (2) Vacuum Tubes

9d 22h 23m
Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6GT Plate Current Matched Quad (4) Vacuum Tubes

Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6gt Plate Current Matched Quad (4) Vacuum Tubes



Buy Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6GT Plate Current Matched Quad (4) Vacuum Tubes

9d 22h 23m
Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 Plate Current Matched Sextet (6) Vacuum Tubes

Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 Plate Current Matched Sextet (6) Vacuum Tubes



Buy Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 Plate Current Matched Sextet (6) Vacuum Tubes

9d 22h 23m
Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6GT Plate Current Tested vacuum Tube

Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6gt Plate Current Tested Vacuum Tube



Buy Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 6V6 6V6GT Plate Current Tested vacuum Tube

9d 22h 23m
Pair of Raytheon shaded glass 6V6GT matched

Pair Of Raytheon Shaded Glass 6V6gt Matched



Buy Pair of Raytheon shaded glass 6V6GT matched

9d 22h 25m
1 pair RCA CRC-6V6GT/G VT-107-A JAN power pentode amplifier tubes tested fair GC

1 Pair Rca Crc-6V6gt/G Vt-107-A Jan Power Pentode Amplifier Tubes Tested Fair Gc



Buy 1 pair RCA CRC-6V6GT/G VT-107-A JAN power pentode amplifier tubes tested fair GC

9d 22h 26m
NATIONAL UNION 6V6GT Black Plate Foil-D Getter POWER VACUUM TUBE Tested Q.1399-D

National Union 6V6gt Black Plate Foil-D Getter Power Vacuum Tube Tested Q.1399-D



Buy NATIONAL UNION 6V6GT Black Plate Foil-D Getter POWER VACUUM TUBE Tested Q.1399-D

10d 0h 9m
RCA 6V 6GTA - NOS TV-7D/U Tested vintage 1964

Rca 6V 6Gta - Nos Tv-7D/U Tested Vintage 1964



Buy RCA 6V 6GTA - NOS TV-7D/U Tested vintage 1964

10d 0h 22m
Pair GE Grey Plate 6v6 GTA Power Tubes 7/15 on the Orange Tester

Pair Ge Grey Plate 6V6 Gta Power Tubes 7/15 On The Orange Tester



Buy Pair GE Grey Plate 6v6 GTA Power Tubes 7/15 on the Orange Tester

10d 0h 50m
Pair GE Grey Plate 6v6 GTA Power Tubes 7/15 on the Orange Tester

Pair Ge Grey Plate 6V6 Gta Power Tubes 7/15 On The Orange Tester



Buy Pair GE Grey Plate 6v6 GTA Power Tubes 7/15 on the Orange Tester

10d 0h 51m

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