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4647 misspelled results found for 'Copper Wiret0'

Click here to view these 'copper wiret0' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
562 Estimated 1901S Westernelectric Inductor Coil Cloth-Wound Bare Copper Wire 0

562 Estimated 1901S Westernelectric Inductor Coil Cloth-Wound Bare Copper Wire 0



Buy 562 Estimated 1901S Westernelectric Inductor Coil Cloth-Wound Bare Copper Wire 0

21d 13h 48m
578 Ic Vintage Usa Westernelectric Inductor0Coil Silk Wrapped Bare Copper Wire 0

578 Ic Vintage Usa Westernelectric Inductor0coil Silk Wrapped Bare Copper Wire 0



Buy 578 Ic Vintage Usa Westernelectric Inductor0Coil Silk Wrapped Bare Copper Wire 0

21d 13h 48m
28 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.3mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Brown

28 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.3Mm For Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Brown



Buy 28 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.3mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Brown

21d 14h 12m
24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Brown

24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5Mm For Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Brown



Buy 24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Brown

21d 14h 12m
24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Rose Red

24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5Mm For Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Rose Red



Buy 24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Rose Red

21d 14h 16m
3roll 24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5mm to Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue

3Roll 24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5Mm To Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue



Buy 3roll 24 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.5mm to Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue

21d 14h 16m
20 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.8mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Gold Tone

20 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.8Mm For Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Gold Tone



Buy 20 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.8mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Gold Tone

21d 14h 16m
3roll 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Red

3Roll 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4Mm For Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Red



Buy 3roll 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Red

21d 15h 13m
3roll 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4mm to Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue

3Roll 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4Mm To Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue



Buy 3roll 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4mm to Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue

21d 15h 14m
20 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.8mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Purple

20 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.8Mm For Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Purple



Buy 20 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.8mm for Beading Bracelet Necklace Craft Purple

21d 15h 46m
26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4mm Beading Wire for Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue

26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4Mm Beading Wire For Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue



Buy 26 Gauge Jewelry Copper Wire 0.4mm Beading Wire for Bracelet Necklace Craft Blue

21d 16h 1m
0.07/0.12/0.2/0.3/0.5mm² BV Single Core Copper Hard Wire PVC Tinned Copper Wire

0.07/0.12/0.2/0.3/0.5Mm² Bv Single Core Copper Hard Wire Pvc Tinned Copper Wire



Buy 0.07/0.12/0.2/0.3/0.5mm² BV Single Core Copper Hard Wire PVC Tinned Copper Wire

21d 17h 1m
For Jewelry Craft Wire Set with Different Color Options 6 Rolls of Copper Wire

For Jewelry Craft Wire Set With Different Color Options 6 Rolls Of Copper Wire



Buy For Jewelry Craft Wire Set with Different Color Options 6 Rolls of Copper Wire

22d 3h 16m
32.8' Solid Bare Copper Wire 30# 99.9% Pure Copper Wire 0.25mm Soft Beading Wire

32.8' Solid Bare Copper Wire 30# 99.9% Pure Copper Wire 0.25Mm Soft Beading Wire



Buy 32.8' Solid Bare Copper Wire 30# 99.9% Pure Copper Wire 0.25mm Soft Beading Wire

22d 5h 41m
26 yards Fly Tying Copper Wire 0.2mm Nymph Thread Fly Tying Thread  Flies

26 Yards Fly Tying Copper Wire 0.2Mm Nymph Thread Fly Tying Thread Flies



Buy 26 yards Fly Tying Copper Wire 0.2mm Nymph Thread Fly Tying Thread  Flies

22d 9h 51m
1Roll DIY Brass Copper Wire 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1mm Cord String  Jewelry Making

1Roll Diy Brass Copper Wire 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1Mm Cord String Jewelry Making



Buy 1Roll DIY Brass Copper Wire 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1mm Cord String  Jewelry Making

22d 10h 42m
Round T2 Copper Wire Solid Bare 99.9% Pure Copper Wire Ø0.2mm - Ø5mm Conductive

Round T2 Copper Wire Solid Bare 99.9% Pure Copper Wire Ø0.2Mm - Ø5mm Conductive



Buy Round T2 Copper Wire Solid Bare 99.9% Pure Copper Wire Ø0.2mm - Ø5mm Conductive

22d 13h 39m
PTFE Silver Plated Wire High Temperature Silver Plated Copper Wire 0.15~0.75mm²

Ptfe Silver Plated Wire High Temperature Silver Plated Copper Wire 0.15~0.75Mm²



Buy PTFE Silver Plated Wire High Temperature Silver Plated Copper Wire 0.15~0.75mm²

22d 16h 55m
DIY Brass Copper Wire 0.3mm 0.4mm Handmade Brass Wire  Jewelry Making

Diy Brass Copper Wire 0.3Mm 0.4Mm Handmade Brass Wire Jewelry Making



Buy DIY Brass Copper Wire 0.3mm 0.4mm Handmade Brass Wire  Jewelry Making

22d 23h 42m

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